Assignment 4- Post 2

Reflecting on this project as a whole I’m quite happy with how our work progressed and evolved to cater to our demographic. I think that as a group we did well to delegate all the work that needed to be done, and there was a sense of satisfaction knowing that what we are creating can help individuals who are experiencing cyberbullying. It was awesome to be able to engage with our followers and listen to what they had to say on cyberbullying and direct them to help services. This whole experience of creating a social media campaign is new to me and is something I have not delved into before. I was glad that our topic of cyberbullying was the focus of the page as with such an important topic it filled me with gratification that we were doing something that was creating a difference. One thing I learnt this semester when it comes to social media is just how many options there are in terms of creating content and engagement. Social media is a powerful tool and gives you a lot of options in regard to what you want to post, whether it’s a video or carousel post your options are quite open. This was great for us as we were able to create a lot of different types of posts through visuals (graphics and video) which altogether made an effective and informative social media campaign. I found the feedback that we received throughout this semester to be quite useful for improving on our project. I have not made content like this before for social media so any feedback that was given was important for me to further deepen my understandings of social media and how to better apply the knowledge to our demographic. At the start of this semester, I found this project a little bit daunting as I felt like I was out of my comfort zone as I had not created content like this, specifically for Instagram, where the message being conveyed is so important. I learnt a substantial amount about how to create graphics that includes crucial information about cyberbullying, whilst still being able to create something artistic and pleasing to my eye. This project has really informed me on how much goes on behind the scenes of big social media accounts when creating and posting content. Having regular meetings with my group throughout the semester helped us to decide what content we were going to create and when we would post it. These two considerations are discussed regularly for business and organisations using social media, but the audience is highly unlikely to know the amount of work and effort that goes into posting. This was great for me to gather an understanding of how social media works and how you can be more effective with your social media strategy.

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