Assignment 2- Post 2

Identify a specific target audience informed by an analysis of the Sensis data and propose a platform or platforms that is/are relevant to your target audience

  1. Looking at the sensis data 56% of Australians use the internet more than 10 times per day. And out of all the internet enabled devices, 88% said their smart phone was their primary device for social media. 49% of Australians in the 18-29 age bracket say they spend too much time on social media. I think that this statistic in particular is quite interesting because if young people feel like they spend too much time on social media, then we need to ensure that the content we are creating for this assignment is content that isn’t just going to be scrolled past and ignored. In regards to bullying on social media 27% said they had witnessed some form of bullying or harassment online, with 16% saying they have experienced this first hand. The platform that we are going to use for this project is Instagram. Instagram was the 3rd most popular social networking site from the sensis report. There are a few reasons as to why we chose Instagram as our platform of choice. One reason why is the amount of variety of content Instagram gives you. We believe that if we can create videos, graphics, static posts, carousel posts, polls, then we will be able to engage with our audience more so than other platforms. Our target audience looking at the sensis report would be individuals aged from 13-18 years old, as this age bracket was highlighted as the age most likely to experience online bullying.

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