Week 12 Video

How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?  

To author this video I used the rear facing camera on my iPhone XR. I used the built in camera app in IOS to take this video rather than using the Instagram app due to the fact that Instagram isn’t as flexible when it comes to recording video in the app. As well as with previous week’s posts I also did not use the flash because the lighting was already pretty good. I also didn’t want to draw attention to myself and my phone. In Instagram I decided to use the ‘Hefe’ filter at 63 percent. I did this because I thought it made the lights look less harsh as well as more neutral. At 63 percent it still keeps some originality whilst changing a few things to make it look more pleasing to the eye

How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram? 

The curation process this week was pretty lacklustre due to the fact that I didn’t want to have multiple takes as well as I didn’t want to draw attention to myself. I really don’t like it when someone see’s me recording a video of a door, so I guess in some ways I’m thankful that this is over! I added a caption to the photo that is relevant to the door itself, which keeps with the theme of simple captions during this experiment. I also added 3 relatively simple captions, with the last one being a small little pun for those who understand.

How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services? 

I published this video to Instagram and Tumblr, just like I have with the previous weeks. I think at this point you’d know my distribution process, but for the blogs sake I’ll explain it again. I emailed this video to myself so I could then upload the video straight to my Tumblr. This is because I don’t have the Tumblr app on my iPhone. This is a longer process than just clicking share on Instagram but I’ve gotten so used to it that it honestly isn’t that bad anymore!

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