Week 11 Video


How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?  

I authored this weeks video using the rear facing camera on my iPhone XR. Unlike other weeks I actually had around 4 videos to choose from before I decided to publish this one. I had more videos this week because I wanted to capture the door closing or opening by itself with no one in the frame. This meant hanging around for 5-10 minutes to try and get what I wanted. In the Instagram app I used the ‘x pro ii’ filter and was surprised to find out that you can actually adjust how much filter is added to a photo. Prior to this I had no clue you can manually adjust this.

How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?  

The curation process was a bit longer than what it had been in previous weeks. I spent 5-10 minutes hanging around this door to wait and try to get the shot that I had sort of envisioned in my head. I added a simple caption as always, but it also correlated to affordances and ‘The Design of Everyday Objects ‘. I also added a location and some hashtags to try and spread out more to get some more views.

How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services? 

I distributed the video through Instagram first and then Tumblr. The process of putting my work onto Tumlr is long since I decided I didn’t want to download the app but I have gotten used to it. I also decided that I should use the same captions and hashtags as what I post to Instagram to keep some consistency between different platforms.

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