Week 11-Photo


How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?  

This image was authored using the rear facing camera on my iPhone XR. This image was also taken using the camera app, not using the in built camera in Instagram. This photo was taken in the courtyard at RMIT next to the old Melbourne gaol, whilst I was on my way to class near building 13. Because there was no one in the courtyard I felt no pressure when taking the photo. I was able to take my time and frame my shot nicely. I also decided this week to use my feet to zoom instead of doing it digitally because I feel as if using digital zoom can cheat when taking a photo. I did use a filter for this weeks image because I liked how ‘Mayfair’ crushed the blacks and made the image look more intense.

How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram? 

I took only one image before posting this one to Instagram. Like the weeks before the reason for this is pretty much the same. I feel comfortable taking one shot if no one is around because I’m always worried about holding people up or getting in the way. So I don’t really feel the need to take a lot of photos, because that is just going to be more work deleting them later. I kept the idea of putting a simple caption with previous weeks post, as well as location and relevant hashtags.

How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services?  

This weeks post is the same as previous weeks posts in terms of distributing my work. That is, I posted this photo to Instagram and Tumblr only. My distribution process has been the same for the previous 2 weeks and this weeks photo was the same. I admit it is a tedious process but in all honestly I’ve gotten used to it and its nice to see the photo on my computer screen before uploading to Tumblr.


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