Week 10-Video

How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?  

In order to author this video I used the rear facing camera on my iPhone XR. The video was taken using the in built camera app. Similar to last weeks video I only took one video. The reason as to why I did this again this week was due to the fact that I had people waiting behind me to come into the lift. I think when people are around I’d rather try and take one discrete video than a whole lot of videos where people can clearly see what I am doing. Same as this weeks photo post, I decided not to add a filter. This was because I honestly didn’t like how the filters look with this video, it made the content look a bit tinny.

How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram? 

The creative process for this weeks video is devalued a bit due to the fact that I believe my mindset was in more of a ‘just get the shot’ sort of attitude rather than a creative mindset. I think that this might be the trend for the next few weeks but I guess we’ll see what happens. I actually forgot to add the location of where the video was taken in Instagram, but I did add an RMIT hashtag so that it is clear that it was taken at RMIT.

How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services? 

Like last week I posted this video both to my Instagram and Tumblr accounts. The distribution process was the same as last week. I took my video and emailed it to myself so I could then upload the file to my Tumblr account. This process is somewhat cumbersome but I’m too stubborn to download the Tumblr app on my phone to only use for a couple more weeks, so it looks like I’ll be getting used to this process


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