Week 10 photo


How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram? 

I took this photo using the rear facing camera on my iPhone XR with the camera app itself. This photo was taken as I was walking to class and I wanted to use that footpath that happened to be closed. There was really no constraints in this photo due to there being not much pedestrian traffic around. This allowed me to take my time and frame the photo nicely with an emphasis on straight lines. In Instagram I actually decided not to use a filter this week. I did this because I primarily thought the photo had nice colour and saturation and looked very natural to the eye.

How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram? 

Like last weeks post I did not take a lot of photos before deciding to publish this one. The reason for this is because I was able to take my time with framing and placement of the textures in the image it led me to being more careful to make sure that my one shot ticks all the box I needed when publishing a photo. I also think I prefer just taking one photo but making sure that everything is somewhat perfect before posting because then I’m not left with 20 photos of the same subject with slight variances in each image.

How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services? 

Once again I distributed this photo both through Instagram and Tumblr. I went through the same process as last week to publish this photo on Tumblr. This process is actually a bit cumbersome so I’ve been thinking about downloading the Tumblr app to speed up the process, but with only a couple weeks of class left I’m unsure if the marginal benefit is worth it or not. I guess the answer will be more clear in a couple of weeks!

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