Week 7- Pat Kay




Who is the practitioner (what is their Instagram handle?) and when were they practicing? 

I have chosen to use Pat Kay (@pat_kay) for this weeks blog entry. Pat is a freelance photographer based in Sydney, but his work often revolves around his travels. He has over 100k followers on Instagram and has been using the platform for over 3 years now

With the photo you are examining when was it produced ? 

The Jewel Changi airport was opened to the public on April 17th, 2019. It is unclear if Pat had access before the general public but it is assumed that the photo was taken around this time.

How was the photo authored and published? 

Pat is a Sony Australia sponsored photographer. His main camera is a Sony a7iii and he uses a variety of different lenses. On his website he has a page where he discusses all the gear he uses during his travels. This can be found here.In regards to his editing software I know that he uses Adobe Light room as he often posts behind the scenes of him editing his photos. He also has a page dedicated to his Light Room presets on his website.

How was the photo distributed? 

The photo was distributed through Instagram and that platform only. This image was not featured on his website I believe due to the fact that it was more promotional work. I am also unsure if Jewel Changi shared the image through their Instagram or website as I could not seem to find much about it


Week 6- Nam June Paik

Who is the practitioner (what is their name?) and when were they practicing?

The practitioner is Nam June Paik who was an Korean American artist. His work contained a variety of different media forms but is known for being the “founder” of video art.

What is the title of the photo or video you have chosen to analyse (can you provide a link?) 

The title of this piece is called Megatron/Matrix (1995)

With the video you are examining when was it produced?

This piece was created in 1995

How was the video authored and published?

The artwork is around the size of a billboard. It holds 215 monitors that all play video accompanied by a loop of soundbites which are unrelated to the video. It has a mix of video from the Seoul Olympics, Korean folk rituals and modern dance. Video is also separated on each monitor as small clips play in sync with each other, with larger images flowing across multiple screens creating a bigger image. Paik segregated the monitors into two different sections, with the Megatron conveying the boundless reach of media, with the smaller section titled Matrix, highlighting the impact on each individual.`

How was the video distributed?  

The artwork was originally created for the Smithsonian American Art Museum in 1995. It has only been displayed there and currently is not available to view according to the Smithsonian American Art Museum website, although there are videos on YouTube showing off the work


Smithsonian American Art Museum. (2019). Megatron/Matrix. [online] Available at: https://americanart.si.edu/artwork/megatronmatrix-36486

IMDb. (2019). Megatron/Matrix (Video 1995) – IMDb. [online] Available at: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8488762/

Week 5- Analogue Photography

Who is the practitioner (what is their name?) and when were they practicing?

This photo was taken by Horst Faas who was a German photo-journalist who like many other photo-journalists“dispatched to the world’s remote corners that few of us could regularly access (Zylinska 2016, p.7) . Faas started his photo career in 1951 with the Keystone Agency and began by photographing major events such as the Vietnam war.

What is the title of the photo or video you have chosen to analyse (can you provide a link?) 

His images of war are untitled. I’m not sure as to why they are untitled, maybe its because adding a title to such images takes away from the meaning. You can find image here

With the photo or video, you are examining when was it produced (date)?

The image was taken in March 1965

How was the photo or video authored?

There is not a lot of information about how this photo was authored. It is obvious that it had been developed in a dark room because of this time period which is prior to digital. It could be assumed that either the military had a dark room the Faas could use to develop the image, or he sent the rolls of film back to Associated Press who he was working for at the time.

How was the photo or video published?

There is no clear date for when the photo was published, other than the fact that it was published by Associated Press who Faas worked for. The photo itself would’ve been a hard copy due to the technology available at the time. Its an interesting contrast today as now anyone can google Faas and find any of his work online.

How was the photo or video distributed?

This photo was distributed through Associated press as well as various art galleries. Faas won multiple awards for his work but most notably would be in 1965 when he received the Pulitzer prize for his work in Vietnam during the war. However the most common distribution of his work would be via the internet.


Zylinksa, J 2016, ‘Photomediations: An Introduction by Joanna