The Initiative Post- The Office

  1. So one of my favourite T.V series that I’ve ever watched is The Office (US version). I watched it a couple years ago and finished it in like a week or something ridiculous like that. The Office was actually so good that I ended up re-watching it multiple times after I had finished it. So why do I think its so good? Well I had never really watched a sitcom before because to be completely honest they had never really appealed to me. I’m not the biggest fan of T.V shows, I’m the sort of person to rather watch a film rather than having to continue watching episodes back to back. The Office changed this for me, once I started watching I couldn’t stop until I finished it. I loved how relatable the show felt, there was no superheroes or crazy characters. It just felt like real people in front of the camera talking about their daily lives and I loved that. Take Michael Scott for example, he is quite possibly my favourite character in the show because I just find him so entertaining from the way he talks to his quintessentially bad jokes. It made for a really enjoyable humorous experience. But one thing that you notice straight away is that a lot of these humorous moments only occur because the characters gel together so well. If its not for one character, there wouldn’t be a joke or it wouldn’t be as funny. Watching The Office felt like I was watching a tight knit group of what on the surface seems like a boring group of people gel together in a way that makes the show just so enjoyable. Another thing that The Office does well is create drama within the narrative. This sounds funny because every narrative has to have some sort of drama right? But my point is that The Office creates drama without losing their comedy genre. I feel as if no matter what happens in the show in terms of drama they always diffuse it with some sort of stupid joke that keeps the audience coming back for more. Something else that I found which always made it hard for me not to watch another episode was the on going gags throughout each season. Michael for example, no matter the time or situation will always make a that’s what she said joke. Its such a stupid joke but the way he times it and the environment that he is in when he says it makes it absolutely hilarious. I also believe another reason as to why I enjoyed the show so much was character relationships. I like most people loved the chemistry between Jim and Dwight. Most of the time we see them get on each other’s nerves through Jim doing childish pranks you cant help but to love them. The way that they react to each other makes for a really enjoyable viewing experience which furthers character development. I also love how this show was shot. It doesn’t use fancy camera techniques, it gives you the impression that this show was just shot as simply as it could be so that the audience can really focus in on narrative. It gives us this feeling that the person who is shooting this is just an amateur film maker interviewing a small paper company from Scranton, and to me that is really imperative.

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