In this task we decided to go out onto Swanston Street to take photos of push bikes. We decided to choose bikes as our like objects as Melbourne has an enormous amount of cyclists travelling around the busy city. It was clear from the start of the task that bicycles are an important mean of transport for a large majority of people. One step outside RMIT and the amount of bikes locked up and being ridden shows just how significant this means of transport is. So what do these images tell us? We’ll as I said before its a means of transport for a lot of people, but as well as this it also can serve as advertising or even food delivery. Walking down Swanston street gave us a wider view of just how different each bike and their owner are. We saw so many food delivery bikes with bright yellow bags stuck down on the back, which shows just how prominent bikes have become as a way for ordinary people to work for these companies to make a living. We also noticed a black bike which essentially served as a billboard with the text “Jesus died for our sins”. With bikes being all over the city its an interesting way for someone to convey a message across to the general public.


This is the image that I personally like the most and I believe that it is not just a photo of a bike but there is other signifiers that widen the picture. What stands out is the text on the basket of the bike. This image sums up Melbourne’s attitude towards cycling as a whole, we are proud to advertise our city on push bikes, and we want people to use them. That is also shown in this image as there is only one single bike in this lock up spot, meaning that this form of transport is a popular way for not only tourists but the general public to explore the streets of Melbourne.

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