Assignment 6


For my major project I wanted to try something different than what I had previously been making. Basically what I wanted to do was use audio to manipulate some visual effects. Once again I think I over estimated my abilities in max and it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. I wanted to make the user feel excited or almost as if they were seeing things. What I did was grab a visual video off the internet and mixed it with a daft punk song. The user then can click on one of 4 inlets that does certain visual effects to the already trippy video. Basically I wanted to draw the attention of my audience and lock them into these visual effects. I think the end product turned out okay, but it could defiantly use some work here and there, such as adding even audio effects. But as a whole I think it does the job alright. If I had more time to do this project again, I would’ve liked to try and actually create my own visual effects/animations in max as that would’ve been ideal, I also think that I would’ve had a greater learning experience from that.

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