Assignment 4

Study 4:

In my fourth study, the focus was to interact with the audience in a non-tactile way. We also had the aim of making the audience feel a certain emotion. The emotion that our group chose was happy, because we thought it was the easiest thing to accomplish. The idea for our project is to use facial features in order to trigger something on screen. So what we did was use face osc and max to create an image of a sad dog, and when the user raises their eye brows the image of a smiling dog appears. The idea was pretty simple but execution was a lot further from our reach than what we had originally thought. The problem that we had was fine tuning the software to work for not only myself but just everyone in general. Although we tried our hardest it was too hard for us to figure out a solution that wasn’t glitchy or that even worked. Looking into the future, it probably would’ve been a good idea to test face osc more extensively to see if the outcome we wanted was more realistic or achievable

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