Assignment 2


Statement 3:

In my third study I wanted to set myself more of a challenge than I did in my first. I set out to again use the keyboard, but I wanted the experience to be more interactive. In this study I wanted to recreate something reminiscent of a walking piano, as I remember them being in movies and etc as a kid. I set about making a synthesiser. My main theme for this piece of work was to make users feel as if they were a kid again. By having so many keys available to the user to interact with, I was hoping that users would have a fun and enjoyable time using my piece of work and would get a taste of child hood. I experienced a lot of technical issues with this project that are still present in my final piece of work. Making this piece was not far out of reach, but I still found it at times to be quite challenging. I often found that I was needing assistance to fix things, but ultimately this study is not 100% polished, and I wish that my technical skills were more advanced so I can fix some of those issues

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