Assignment 2

Statement 2:

In the second part of this assignment, I was working with Ziggy and Tristian. Our group ambitiously put out an idea where we would create a censored twitter feed from Donald Trump, where we would censor out various words to alter his tweets. The theme behind this idea was to exclude some of the controversy things the president tweets on the daily. What we realised further down the track was that our idea was a lot more complicated than what we originally thought, and as a result at times we actually thought about changing the idea to something that was more achievable. But we were egged on by the challenge and thought about various ways to go about the task. I think that the biggest technical challenge we experienced was no one really had the best idea of how to approach such a task and there were a few different ways that we could’ve done it. It was complex as well since we were taking tweets live from Donald Trumps twitter, so there was a lot of communication within Max itself. But I would like to thank Ziggy for being such a wiz with Max and figuring out the most efficient way to do this challenging task. This group task was one of the most challenging things we could have done in Max, and as a result I learnt a few things about Max and also my thinking process

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