We started getting together for assessment 2 (done in pairs), with plans to do the unmarked assessment 1 during Wednesday’s session. We also discussed the various restrictions on our web series to the creative writing people, including budget, length, and character limits. There will probably be a writer-director co-op relationship during shooting.
We also apparently have to do weekly updates in the same pairs as for the assessment 2, with each pair updating a different week.
We watched a few episodes of some web series that we liked and sent links to our tutor. The show I sent was “The Guild”, and we analyzed the camera-work used in it to show the characters in different places, as well as the conversation between two of the mains. We then did “Jake and Amir”, where we looked at the minimalist shots, and how the production value has changed greatly, but not the formula of each episode. From a producers point of view, writing has to be kept the same, just keep control on the set and lighting and good shots. Afterwards, we looked at “The Leftovers”, a local RMIT production. It started out as some passive-aggressive back-and-forth between an RMIT student and a Melbourne uni student, ending with a bash at Deaken and maniacal laughter.
Assessment 2 is describing and analyzing an episode from a web series on a template, then individually reflecting on it. We went through some of the details within the template. My partner for this project is Daleen Jeenmuang, and we will do week 4.