Media 6: The Clarity of the Craftsman

In this week reading on “The Clarity of the Craftsman” it discusses the two different mindsets that would be good for the foundation for creating the work we love. The two mindsets are craftsman mindset and passion mindset. Newport interviews people with a craftsman mindset. A person with a craftsman mindset focuses more on “what you can offer the world” while a passion mindset focuses on “what the world can offer you”. When Newport interviewed people with a craftsman mindset, they were more carefree without worrying about anything except to do what they love best. They are pragmatic and they focus on their work wholeheartedly. Unlike people with passion mindset who will always question if the job is the right one for you and if you are truly happy with what you are doing. It does not satisfy you easily and keeps you thinking. In conclusion, learn and adopt how a craftsman mindset is.

I feel that almost everyone has a passion mindset and the more we delve into this mindset we tend to job-hop and will never feel satisfied in whatever we are doing. However, with a craftsman mindset, it sounds promising that we know what we are doing.  Also, one must be determined and patient for the result. I feel that with a craftsman mindset, realistically, it may not sustain you financially. It will be hard to survive in today’s world. In my opinion, my mindset it to do your best in every job you are given. It does not hurt trying out the craftsman mindset and you might never know where it will lead you.

Cal Newport. (2012). So Good They Can’t Ignore You- Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love. Hachette Book Group.


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