Annotated Bibliography 2

Frank Allan Hansen , Karen Johanne Kortbek & Kaj Grønbæk. (2012). Mobile

Urban Drama: interactive storytelling in real world environments, New Review of Hypermedia

and Multimedia, Vol. 18 (1-2), p. 63-89.


The article explored the production process of mobile urban dramas where the user is portrayed as the main character. The mobile urban drama uses multimedia production (audio, images, animations and videos) to tell the story on mobile phones and the physical location. The article suggests the kind of experience that the users feel in a physical location through location based technology and encountering real life actors as part of the drama. Mobile urban dramas become a platform for tourism, education and entertainment.


The article provides the steps in creating mobile urban drama such as discussing main concepts, examples of mobile dramas, describing experiences and user evaluations and reflection. The concepts are constructed based on the series of events in the drama. The construction of the framework includes two models; user model and environment model. The illustration of the plot is shown in the article as an example of plotting the events, experience and location. The research responses on the examples of mobile dramas were recorded with the highest response of 94 percent liking a mobile drama called Corridor. The result for each mobile differs and reflection on what went wrong was discussed. The article concluded with future developments to further improve mobile urban dramas.


The article is useful in providing a thorough process of creating a mobile location drama with frameworks, examples and reflection included. The team can be inspired with the content from the examples from mobile urban dramas. The mechanics of creating the application on the mobile phone could also be useful to think about the future development of mobile urban dramas.



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