Project Statement: To create a transmedia narrative across multiple platforms. By analysing successful transmedia, the group aims to create a creative and effective transmedia storytelling.
The team has made use of various platforms such as video, audio, journals and physical puzzles to tell the story that we have created. The story is transformed into a narrative game concept similar to an escape room. The audience will have to take part and enter this virtual world. In the game there are various platform to push the game and flow of the story.
The videos are used mostly for the leader of the resistance team addressing the trainees in the game. The video shows a shadowy outlined of the leader thus his face cannot be seen. We want the leader to remain mysterious so that it will make the audience wonder more about who the leader is and feel his presence. We also want the audience to think about why is he leading the Resistance team.
The audios are used for the Raath (aliens) since we do not have any visual image of the Raath thus we make used of an audio platform. I feel that without the visual of the Raath, it turns the atmosphere into a more fearful mood such that you can’t see them but you can feel their presence. Also, the Raath is always watching.
We have created two journals from the point of view of the doctor and Isabella who were part of the Raath experiment. The two journals are very different since the timeline are of their stories happening at different times. The doctor’s journal will talk about subject #23 who is Isabella undergoing the experiments set up by the Raath and his secret side project that he is working for the Raath. Isabella’s journal starts off with her being rescued by the leader and what she is doing in the underground base. However, she will be having flashbacks to the year that she was being captured and her experiences being in the cell/ patient room. In Isabella’s journal there would be notes from the leader. This will give a little bit more hint about the leader character. The doctor character would be like a “cameo” to the game since he is not the main character for the narrative game. The journals will give a deeper background to the characters and present narrative. There are hidden hints to the narrative game.
Each of the puzzles are clues to the narrative. At each stage, the answers would lead to solving the last stage of the game and piecing the story events together. Isabella puzzles will reveal the year and the time the bomb will go off, Gray the hacker will reveal the codes to the locked doors and Adam the coms/ soldier will reveal the location of the bomb. Audiences (trainees) will be able to experience the kind of role the character is in the team through the concept of solving the puzzles.
Our team did not use the typical platforms such as social medias and website in conveying transmedia storytelling. Instead we used the platforms mentioned above. We have effectively added ‘agency’ where the user is able to experience the game and the ending is determined from solving the puzzles.