Reflection #9: Work in Progress

The team has decided to do an episodic game. The outline of the game and the general idea of the story still remains the same. Since we are breaking the story into episodic, the first episode is roughly about recruiting the audience to become trainees for the resistance team. The audience will be greeted by a resistance member through a video log. The audience (trainees) will be trained to be part of the team. Their training would be in a simple puzzle form. The game will tell the narrative of the story and it will then continue to the next episode about the Raath success on infiltrating the resistance base. The narrative is subjected to change.

For now, I am assigned to do the layout of the resistance team base. This will be a part of the puzzle as a maze to get from the training base to the server room. We have yet to decide on the puzzles and since we are changing a bit of the concept there is more decision making to make. We have to decide fast on the puzzles so that we can continue creating the narrative. In this coming week, the team needs to decide on the puzzles and narrative so that we can start designing the puzzles. Also, writing scripts for audio and video logs. Hopefully, we can get it done by week 10.


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