The guest lecture on Wednesday was really entertaining and it gave me a few insights on creating narratives within a game. There were a few things that I noted down during the presentation that is important to consider when creating a narrative into a platform. They are planning, rules, open ending, experience and hook. These are useful information and it be can used during the planning for our project. The most important stage in a project would be the planning process. The planning must be thought out carefully so that things would go smoothly on the day of the event. During the planning, the story created needs a hook that will drive the players into the action of that particular story. The hook of the story becomes an experience for the players. It is also preferably to have an open end where the players determine the ending of the story. This will make them feel that they have full control in developing the story ending. It then becomes a more satisfied experience for the players. Before the start of the game, it is important to lay down the rules so that it will set the setting world of the game for the players. This will make the audience understand better.
Another thing to take away from the presentation is to break the narrative into individual story and platform especially important parts in the story. In each story there should be a decision point where the players can move from one story to the other. Overall, the presentation has given me a great overview of what I should consider in planning our group’s project.