
I think I have learnt:

it’s not about me, stories are not real, reality is not simple, everything is related, to notice the unnoticed, the best way to write without a story is a list, the less explication the better, listing becomes difficult, how to zoom out and see the connections, how to zoom in and see the connections, what is “alive”, life meshes, interconnectedness, to go through not across, the social media noise, illustrate through film and sound, to give up control of my work, the thrill of not knowing and making it work, that 1 minute can be really long, constraints bring structure, blogging is fun

I would like to learn:

how to notice more, how to document my noticing, how to translate what I’ve learnt into something material, how to change my way of thinking, how to apply what I’ve learnt into my other studies, how to use it when I graduate, who else thinks like this, how to use these concepts to work in media (will my bosses like it??), what I can do for my 3 films, how to map out my mesh, what was the beginning point of my mesh,

how to make this happen: try, fail, analyse, change and try again. I think the saying goes “practice makes perfect practice” The thing about what I have learnt in this studio is that nothing is concrete. So my attempts cannot be concrete either. they will keep changing and growing and morphing – uncontrollably perhaps, but that is the beauty of it, isn’t it?

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