
My post-prod thoughts on the first assessment here. Today we critiqued a few videos and received feedback on it.

Here are some information people wanted to know more about it:

  1. Where does the baby come into it? I was thinking about how the watch was saying that it doesn’t remember it’s first heartbeat – or first second, minute, hour that it showed when it was made “alive”. And used the footage of a baby in reflection of how I can’t remember my first heartbeat either – or first memories for that matter. (side note: why do we forget? I’ve written before about the brain, but now even more questions come up…)

  2. More about your relationship with your watch. I could have done better playing with the relationship we have from my point of view and from the watch’s pov. I tried to in the sense that the watch was speaking so separate from me, and very robotic. Because watches don’t have emotions or feelings. I could have described how I feel towards my watch more so that it’s more obvious when we go to the watch’s perspective on it’s life that it doesn’t feel anything with regards to me being it’s owner.

  3. More about time. I would like to know more about time myself! But this video/audio clip was about a watch.

  4. Why is your watch a boy? I don’t know. I decided this based on whether or not the female voice sounded nicer – and it was not.

  5. More about the watch’s personality. I suppose I could argue that it doesn’t have one, because it is just a thing. But that could be my naive assumption and self centred-ness. 


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