“… for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” – Genesis 3:19

I think I did this wrong. I described related things instead of finding relations. But I got into it in the end.

How much agency do you have in regard to the agency of all these other things? (Agency: the capacity of things to do – considering ‘doing’ as an action.)

I have the agency to buy the plastic L plate sign. I used my agency to apply for my L’s and because I passed, I now need an L plate sign. And because the suppliers know there is a demand – a need – they will use their agency to supply. So in a way, their agency is being affected by mine as well?

Q: Do we even get to decide when to stop? 
Euthanasia comes to mind first. Is that an event where we choose to end things? And yet, is death really an end? I guess you end your heartbeat, but you don’t end biology – our body keeps going, decaying, transforming, melting, changing, and then at long last, starting again! Baby maggots, worms, bacteria, soil – growth. So there is no end? We could keep going if we wanted to. Is that it? “Not wanting to” is where we come to a stop? What is a “want”? Is it a choice? Or is it, again, biology…


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