
First, rest in peace Dr. Adrian Miles. Our lecturer and thought provoker. There was no end to his wonderings and inquiries. He truly had an amazingly curious mind. Thanks for teaching us to think deeply and open up our minds to the unknown.

Second, I officially graduate in 2 days. RMIT, it’s been fun. You’ve challenged me to think and be different. I’ve made two friends that I’ll hold on to for a while even after I leave school. If they’ll have me, that is.. At the moment, I am trying to apply for a job at RMIT connect. It’s good pay, and it doesn’t seem hard. I guess if I get the job, I won’t be saying goodbye just yet.


how to translate what I’ve learnt/done in this studio into my resume and portfolio?


soft skills: “dealing with ambiguity and uncertainty (exquisite corpse)”

hard skills: sound and video editing, content creation

last studio interests

hierarchy in web is based on how many connections it has to it – the more links going to it, the higher up it will be. Not based on traffic. (eg. Instagram. Views and likes value not equal to follower value)

“keep things to read for when it might come to matter” – when will a thing come to matter? Will I remember that I have this in there when the time comes?





I’ve been thinking a lot about my participation: how I would grade myself, how I would justify it, how I would present it in class, etc.

In the beginning I said I would:

  1. read the assigned reading and notice current affairs that related to the class
  2. find a passion point
  3. take notes of what I learn in class
  4. practice the art of noticing during the week

However those changed as the weeks went on, and participation started to mean different things like:

  • working with the group on the exquisite corpse project
  • keeping up with blogging
  • being organised with the google doc folders
  • internalising what we’ve been reading about

I am getting stumped.

ponder panda

It’s hard finding just one quote from all the readings we’ve done that matters most to me, that I can then make a film with. I am still coming to terms with using quotes and ideas as tools in my filmmaking machine. Letting the quote, camera and sounds take charge – allowing them their agency.


I have been ill.

It’s made me reflect on the amount of bacteria and micro-organisms on and in us. We talked about that at the beginning of the semester. My husband told me about interstitial fluids which is a fluid that fills in the empty spaces between the organs and cells. 16% of a humans body weight is this space filling fluid – for me, it’s about 10kg!

that means that if we took those fluids out, I have 10kg of emptiness in me? wow


I think I have learnt:

it’s not about me, stories are not real, reality is not simple, everything is related, to notice the unnoticed, the best way to write without a story is a list, the less explication the better, listing becomes difficult, how to zoom out and see the connections, how to zoom in and see the connections, what is “alive”, life meshes, interconnectedness, to go through not across, the social media noise, illustrate through film and sound, to give up control of my work, the thrill of not knowing and making it work, that 1 minute can be really long, constraints bring structure, blogging is fun

I would like to learn:

how to notice more, how to document my noticing, how to translate what I’ve learnt into something material, how to change my way of thinking, how to apply what I’ve learnt into my other studies, how to use it when I graduate, who else thinks like this, how to use these concepts to work in media (will my bosses like it??), what I can do for my 3 films, how to map out my mesh, what was the beginning point of my mesh,

how to make this happen: try, fail, analyse, change and try again. I think the saying goes “practice makes perfect practice” The thing about what I have learnt in this studio is that nothing is concrete. So my attempts cannot be concrete either. they will keep changing and growing and morphing – uncontrollably perhaps, but that is the beauty of it, isn’t it?

A matter of concern

Instead of seeing myself as alive and at the center, I see things being alive; things being in the center of the mesh – and I am just one of the many lines that the thing relates to.

I’m thinking of exploring this with my dog, Pav as the center. What kind of a mesh does he create? Where am I in the mesh? What kind of effects do our joined meshes have? He is named after Ivan Pavlov the psychologist that discovered classical conditioning – is the dog conditioning me?