Translating Observation | Observation 15 | Noah Hodgson

Step by step the forest grows thicker and thicker. The ground becomes more treacherous with every move. I place my feet firmly one after the other with great consideration. This looks like prime snake country, but perhaps the hidden sun will be my saving grace. As I continue forward the ground slopes up to meet the sky and the trees around me change from thin and gangly trees common to this part of Australia to taller and thicker growths. As I reach the crest of the ascent my view opens up and the forest reaches its end. Ahead of me is kilometre after kilometre of open grasslands. At the bottom of the valley lies a lonely stream, stretching it’s way across the countryside. To the right of me in the distance is a humble farmhouse surrounded by grazing cattle. The only semblance of civilization amongst this wild expanse.

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