The Challenges of Feedback
The current method of feedback being applied to our writing group has been quite problematic. There has been a few problems in what content should be edited, who has the final say in the editing process and who decides what is actually in the final draft. At the moment there seems to be no systemic order on how the final script is delivered. Everyone has differing opinions on what content should be changed or included. The management provide feedback and the writers also have their own feedback. But who do you listen too? It just seems to be way too confusing on which feedback to incorporate into the script. The amount of writers in the group is also making an impact on achieving a general consensus.
So I suggested that we have certain roles for each script then rotate them for each episode. This is a summary of the process we decided to use for future scripts :
- Pitch the ideas and write a simple draft as a group.
- Assign a script writer to write a second draft.
- Feedback would be provided by everyone.
- A script editor would then complete a third draft based on all the feedback.
- Management receive this draft and then give the all clear whether or not it is the final draft.
Hopefully this process makes it less confusing and creates a better outcome for writing future episodes.