May 25

Sketchy Students Goes Live!

Sketchy Students has been produced and ready to view for the online community.  The groups have incorporated a diverse use of online platforms to try and capture a wider audience for this series.  Applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Weebo have been useful tools to spread the word out there.  We have been encouraged to share and like all the aspects of Sketchy Students to help attract more viewers.  But this show isn’t targeted towards my demographic so i’m quite reluctant to share it among my friends on social media.  I also think that the original concept has somehow diverted to what was originally planned.  I am not a real fan of sketch comedy and am finding it a challenge to come up with funny content for the tone of this particular series.

It is a good experience for myself to try and write material that I have limited skill in delivering.  The other members of the group are enthusiastic pitching ideas for the show to each other which makes the process more enjoyable.  But I feel that maybe there are too many writers for a show that only has episodes running for around 2 minutes.  The pilot episode was produced well and had a few funny moments but it isn’t really my thing.  But for me the challenge is to write for this type of audience to the best of my capabilities.



Posted May 25, 2016 by niklasgreasby in category Uncategorized

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