May 17

Sketchy Students

For our 3rd and 4th project our class decided to do a collaboration in making a web series called Sketchy Students.  The format is going to be a cross between sketch comedy and mockumentary about a class in University.  There will be a total of four episodes and it will consist of being between 2 to 3 minutes per episode.  We plan on expanding the show across all social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to try and obtain a larger audience.  Our lecturer Mark Poole reluctantly agreed to perform the role of the teacher.  All the other roles will be done by the students in the class.  After some discussion in class the majority of us decided that it would be best to divide into groups to make this show.  The groups were divided in the following categories.

  • Production
  • Writing
  • Social Media
  • Management

The writing group would be in charge of developing the scripts for the show.  The production teams job was to produce the content to screen.  The social media team covered the digital content and cross platform delivery.  The Management team would make sure everything was running on schedule and help manage the process.  Our aim is to learn the process of delivering a show on a cross platform environment.


Posted May 17, 2016 by niklasgreasby in category Uncategorized

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