Project 3 – Making the granules
Above is a diagram of how myself and Ven are organising our granules for the Korsakow program. We are going to be sticking to the thematic question “What does cycling mean to you?” Then we are going to ask questions that relate to how they answer the main question. We plan to have all the granules consistent with each other and have a similar timeframe.
I have been watching a few interactive documentaries but the one that I was most impressed with was ‘Journey to the centre of coal’. This was an interactive documentary that was like a choose your own adventure that let users explore the lives of miners in China. It was a great way to experience which direction you wanted the journey to take. The documentary had the feel that you were playing the role as journalist and gave you the power to decide which aspects of the mining industry you wanted to investigate. Each section gave a choice on what direction you want the story to take, what questions you ask the miners and residents, and which location you want to investigate.
After watching a few k films there seems to be a general lack of information on what is actually on each granule. I feel there has to be at least something in order to want the viewer to choose a particular granule. Otherwise it just seems pointless to click on images that the viewer doesn’t even know what they are related to. It could also seem a bit boring to click on these images just for the hell of it. So instead of random image clicking we thought it would work better to have text on each granule that includes information. Ven and I decided we will have a small profile information on each rider in text and have the questions visible on each granule. This will give the viewer the power of choice in which question he/she would like to click on and feel some amount of control in the interview process. It would also be non linear as the viewer has the choice to pick questions in no particular order.
I think that the information will give a better narration to the viewer and will grab their interest more to click on what is contained in each granule. ‘Journey to the centre of coal’ was successful in leaking out small information that made you want to pursue on where the narrative was taking you.
Here is a demo of a granule without the audio in it. The password is bigal.