May 5

Tutorial 8

During this class we got into our groups and discussed how we were going to work on the  project brief.  I was paired up with Stephanie and Brydan.  The subject that we were given to focus on was “mediums”.  We discussed how we plan to collaborate together and by what means we will be communicating.  Brian gave us a task as well to complete an annotated bibliography in regards to our subject matter.  I thought this was going to be quite a painful exercise.  But I found it to be a great way to educate myself in the subject of mediums.

To make sure that we weren’t going to double up on readings,  I created a group on Facebook where we could communicate what subject we were reading.  We decided to just cut and paste the link in the post of the Facebook group so this wouldn’t happen.  At first I was struggling to understand the concept of the project.  Mediums is such a broad subject and there are so many angles that you can find information in regards to this topic.  I found that the RMIT online library was a helpful resource to use and definitely had an abundance of readings in regards to our subject.

Facebook group screenshot2