Tutorial 7
During this weeks tutorial we were required to submit our third projects. The students were divided into groups and were shown all the projects during the class. The standard of the projects were good and most were entertaining or informative to watch. There were various techniques used in telling the person’s story. One that stood out for me was Bliss David’s project. She definitely has great talent as a media practitioner. She managed to make a boring subject entertaining with her project. It made me realise that even a bland story can be made interesting and humorous with the right visual aid.
Within our groups we were required to give feedback to each other using the hat system. I received positive feedback regarding my project but there was some concerns about the cat’s safety. I ensured them that no animals were harmed in the making of my project. I also gave some feedback in regards to what I felt worked and what didn’t work in each project. It’s always so much easier for me to give positive feedback rather than negative feedback. But it is the negative feedback that you can learn a lot more from if there is a decent explanation with it.