Sketch 6 – Dynamic

Video: URL Link: Reflection: This week we’ve learned the changescapes as well as the dynamic systems. we’ve known that the changescape is not a product, they are more like projects or processes, in that they are produced by, through, and for the sake of an ongoing dynamic that is established between themselves and their perceivers […]

Sketch 5 – Damaged

Video: URL: Reflection: During this week’s tutorial, we knew that lots of people try to solve problems to secure an imagined future, prevent future possibilities, erase the present and the past to create a future for future generations. However, according to the readings, stay with trouble requires learning to truly live in the present, not […]

Sketch 4 -Entangled

  URL: Throughout this week’s studio and readings, I thought all elements in the natural environment are interrelated. Every living thing merges with every other living thing at some point in its life, forming an entanglement. Entanglement is one of the most complex and magical relationships in the world, involving symbiosis, coexistence, competition and development […]