Media Project & Final Reflection

Final Media Project: (Include 4 videos made by me and Kino) Final Reflection: During this semester, we’ve learnt how climate change is a pressing topic that increasingly exposes environmental instability, change as always and beyond understanding. Throughout the practices of every week’s concepts beyond our daily lives, we actually have a better understanding on […]

Development 5 – Rough cut

rough cut by me: rough cut by Kino:   According to last week’s feedback from our tutor and the others, we think we had a lot of things need to improve. The most important thing for us is:” How to make the different videos like a kind of series.” This also a […]

Development 4 – Creative tests

Video creative tests by me: Video creative tests by kino: Reflections: According to the presentation also the presentation feedbacks, our group actually very grateful for all these useful suggestions and advices from the others. Our groups’ main content is ‘educating young generations to protect the environment also save the world’. The idea which […]

Development 3 – Presentation Reflection

This week, our group did the presentation according to ‘how to educate the young generations improve climate change also protect the environment’. I think climate change isn’t just affecting our homes, it is knocking on the front door, demanding that we come in. But we shouldn’t let that happen. We need to know more about the […]

Development 2 – Research

Last week, our group discussed the initial ideas which towards our presentations towards ‘climate change’. According to the third reading, the environmental framework sees the environment as independent of us and our surroundings. However, we are not separated from nature. We are an integral part of nature. However, we separate the ego from the other […]

Development 1 – Initial ideas

In this week’s tutorial, we talked how these previous used techniques such as close ups, zoom in, zoom out, split screens also the voice-overs shown to the audiences in past sketches to achieve the author’s point of view. In addition, we also discussed the term of climate change which refers to the general weather conditions […]