Sketch 3 – Precarious

Video: URL: Reflection: Throughout this week’s tutorial and weekly readings, I found that environmental degradation can also be defined as instability, mainly due to the increasing destruction of global ecology. In ordinary life, the ‘Precarious’ is unpredictable, as the reading mentioned:” Precarity is to register the singularity of emergent phenomena: their multiplicity, their motion, […]

Sketch 2 – Vibrancy

Audio:   URL: Reflections: According to this week’s reading and tutorials, I found everything has it’s own power, as long as it can use its own power strives to hold on to its own existence. Everything whether it is more or less perfect, it will always continue to exist in the same force that began […]

Sketch 1-Attunement

Video link: When I first saw the name of this class, I was being attracted. In the first week, I really enjoy the weekly classes as well as the reading, I always can get a lot of knowledge from there. In this week’s reading, I knew the connections between human and the environment, also […]

PV – Reflection 6

URL: BGM:Sunset – Herlyn E. (From YOUTUBE, No Copyright)   Introduce your video work in relation to responding to the conceptual brief and the guidelines on form.  This week’s video which I shot is different from previous weeks, the aim of this reflection is to make a swipeable Instagram carousel according the […]

A2 – Global Research

What is your understanding of ‘brand awareness’ in this context? Brand awareness is a marketing term that uses the name to describe the degree of consumer recognition of the product. (Brand Awareness: Everything You Need to Know // Qualtrics, 2020). According to my understanding of the art gallery, brand awareness are usually show to the […]

A2 – Practise Analysis

Name of the practitioner: Bendigo Art Gallery The title of the work: House of Mirrors Bendigo ends in a week’s time on 30 April The date when it was made: 23/04/2017 The link to the work:   Provide some context on the visual content by summarising the content, the context of publication, and the audience […]

PV – Reflection 5

URL: BGM: Mona Lisa – from Youtube No Copyright Library   Introduce your video work in relation to responding to the conceptual brief and the guidelines on form.  For this week’s idea of ‘beyond our daily life’ is watching ‘the flow of the cloud’, ‘the bus pass away’ during the rainy day turns into sunshine. […]

PV – Reflection 4

  URL: BGM:Improvisation – No copy right Library   Introduce your video work in relation to responding to the conceptual brief and the guidelines on form.  When I think of this content I was confused because I don’t know the general ideas about ‘beyond our daily life’. This video idea began with my previous […]

PV – Reflection 3

Introduction: This is my third reflection on authoring and publishing videos on Instagram. I shot this video of one of my daily lives before the last day of locking down for stage 4 according to COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout this content of the video, I’m using this video which are some fragments at home as well […]

A1 – Practise Analysis

(FEELING LIKE GLOSSIER, 2019) the name of the practitioner: glossier  the title of the work: FEELING LIKE GLOSSIER  the date: 14.09.2019 the link to the work: The context on the video: (background AND target audiences) Glossier, one of the brandy’s wildly popular Instagram accounts. Instagram as the true star of the Glossier marketing strategy, it has […]