A2 – Practise Analysis

Name of the practitioner: Bendigo Art Gallery

The title of the work: House of Mirrors Bendigo ends in a week’s time on 30 April

The date when it was made: 23/04/2017

The link to the work:https://www.instagram.com/p/BTNlDIwlUfa/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet


Provide some context on the visual content by summarising the content, the context of publication, and the audience it targets. 

This video was published on Bendigo Art Gallery’s Instagram account, it shows to audiences the physical site of the event which is the ‘House of Mirrors’ in Bendigo. This video used classical music background with Musical instrument melody such as violin, to show the distinctive features of the ‘House of Mirrors’ also contains the around environment of this show, especially highlights its features.

It’s mainly target audiences probably people around the world, especially who are interested in this show also the people who interested in the place of Bendigo. This video presents the place as an amazing place which welcome all people around the world. This will greatly attract the new visitors to have a look at it, make a sense of curious. This video also could attract the customers which has came here before, to welcome them visit again. Don’t miss out and get lost.

How was the visual content made technically?  

Technically, this video using drone to shoot these clips, they shoot from different angles to show its environment around this event. The camera moves smoothly to take the moving shots, it takes through different perspectives such as shooting inside and outside the event to show to audiences which this is an amazing event. It also shot its around environment to show its location in Bendigo. This video contains many different angles so that people can see the ‘House of Mirrors’ from different angles as well as showing  ‘House of Mirrors’ is reflecting according to this perfect weather and ready to welcome people to explored.

How does this piece of visual content fit into the art galleries media and communication strategies? What is it trying to achieve? 

This piece of visual content use the strategy for uploading videos through social media platforms to create brand awareness. The purpose is attracted more audiences also increase its brand awareness.

Bendigo as a city in Victoria, full of creativity, delicious food, fine wine and delicacies festivals being held and local people’s delight, all of which flourish in the ancient cultural atmosphere, and Inspired by European cities. According to my research, Bendigo tourists are among the most likely to participate in artist and cultural events in Australia. Because this is a place of tourist attraction according to its art and cultural district, Bendigo Art Gallery is one of the oldest and largest regional galleries in Australia. (Kernebone, 2020)

Bendigo Art Gallery uses videos to attract audiences to come to ‘House of Mirrors’. In this video, the gallery depicted this event as an amazing place also present its outside environments where everyone could come, admire its art and cultural district and enjoy the mirror experiences. The aim of this video is presenting this place as a welcoming place as well as showing this amazing experiences through this visual content. It’s trying to achieve through its visual communication to get connected with audiences and video distribution platforms also welcome all people to come and enjoy this event to gain a good experiences.

Why did you choose this particular work?

I choose this ‘House of Mirrors” to analysis because I think use social media platform to create brand awareness is an important way for art galleries. According to my research, many of the art galleries are using drone to shoot videos so as McClelland, I think this will be a good method to take close-ups. This video provides me a lot of ideas that I can use for the own content of McClelland. I think using this kind of video shot method through social media platform could increase McClelland’s brand awareness. Not only just upload upcoming events, but also could upload the gallery’s outdoor environment in different angles as well as different perspectives to attract more audiences to be interested and come to visit. However, I would like to look for McClelland’s own content then highlight its own way to increase its own brand awareness to engage the audiences especially in this special period.

What do you find inspiring about the content and form? 

For inspiring about this content and form, this video using drone shot these videos then contain with the classical music background, it uses the simple clips to show the amazing environment as well as this exciting events creating an ideal environment for potential visitors to this gallery and this event to attract audiences. This is a good method to increase brand awareness, to make more people know the events and welcome everyone to take part in it, although it’s not a perfect video shooting. This video gives me a lot of inspirations to join with McClelland also stimulated my interest in the McClelland.


Kernebone, E., 2020. How Bendigo’s Arts Scene Draws In Tourists. [online] Bendigo Advertiser. Available at: <https://www.bendigoadvertiser.com.au/story/6633855/how-bendigos-arts-scene-draws-in-tourists/> [Accessed 23 August 2020].

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