Development 5 – Rough cut

rough cut by me:

rough cut by Kino:


According to last week’s feedback from our tutor and the others, we think we had a lot of things need to improve. The most important thing for us is:” How to make the different videos like a kind of series.” This also a question which we confused a lot. We did a lot of research, we think we should think about the video’s tone which to make sure these videos can give the audiences a sense of connection. In the creative test, I think I think too much about how to make these videos more ‘interesting’ to show to the audiences, I did a lot of work by putting fitters also the transaction sounds. However, I hasn’t think about Kino’s. However, this time I’m trying to move closer to his video mode to make sure our videos had the similar tone.

The other suggestions which I think very useful which I find a lot of people think the flowers’ images are more rememberable than the plastics’. The reason why I want to put the flowers’ images inside is because I want these young generations think about these damages, be aware also stay with trouble. However, I found it actually too much, for improvement, I delete the flower images then put several videos of  ‘Hazards of Plastics’ to show to the audiences, because I want these young generations face this kind of environmental damage and coexist with them to raise awareness better and improve the environment.

Because our point of view is educate these young generations by using hashtags, so we decided to provide 4 video clips which can best represent the content of ‘pollution’, such as plastic, sandstorm, air pollution also the recyclable waste, uploaded them into Instagram as a IGTV format. Not only just put the hashtags, but also we will write comments to raise awareness. In addition, in this week’s consult, we also got some useful information which relates to how people will do with Instagram, we need to do more researches about how people will do to enjoy these videos, I will delete some of the texts in the video to give our audiences a better comfortable way which we will figure out that in the next video works. In all, we are very thankful for all suggestions, these feedbacks actually very useful for us.

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