Development 4 – Creative tests

Video creative tests by me:

Video creative tests by kino:


According to the presentation also the presentation feedbacks, our group actually very grateful for all these useful suggestions and advices from the others. Our groups’ main content is ‘educating young generations to protect the environment also save the world’. The idea which we came through is using ‘hashtags’ in Instagram to show ‘how young people could save our planet through daily life’. I think use hashtags will make our content more discoverable also provide an interesting experiences which they can access each ‘target points’ everyday or each week. We think that these kind of hashtags could be the ways of associating social media content with specific topics, events, themes or conversations. They also make it easier to find posts on these specific topics, because the hashtag aggregates all social media content with the same hashtag. So I think hashtags can be the creative experiences which rather than a story.

For doing this creative test, I actually stand in the position and perspectives of the target audiences, I was thinking that in which way I could be educated. In the visual position, I think we need to use an internal monologue, create a similar experience for your audiences which will make easier to express the feelings and thoughts despite the abstract fact of ‘how to protect the environment through daily life’. In this project, our group grouped into several parts according to the daily. Such as in this week, kino did the ‘sandstorm’, I chose the ‘plastic’ to approach. We use the same front page also the back page to show it’s more like a kind of series not just the normal videos, it’s like a story also the creative experiences that we should take actions to save the planet. We also did a lot of research in this video to raise awareness. In addition, I also put a lot of comparatives and questions to let them know it’s the time to protect the earth! According to editing, I put a lot of interesting transactions, filters also the stickers because I want make this series more interesting that these young generations will not feel bored.

Overall, I was satisfied with our this week’s creative test because I think the ‘hashtags’ also the descriptions in Instagram which I’m really working on it. Coincidentally, our target audience is about the same age as us, so we can decide whether it’s appropriate or not to use, according to our own preferences, I tried a lot of method, read through the other people’s posts and descriptions, use more emojis to connect with these young generations. I also try to use several interesting transactions sounds, such as the typing and warming sound, so on. All I want is to make these video more interesting.

For the improvement, I will look more education videos also the videos about the potential impacts of climate change to get a visual understanding. Watch more videos from the others, study more editing techniques to make our series of videos more enjoyable.

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