Sketch 5 – Damaged




During this week’s tutorial, we knew that lots of people try to solve problems to secure an imagined future, prevent future possibilities, erase the present and the past to create a future for future generations. However, according to the readings, stay with trouble requires learning to truly live in the present, not as a soon-to-disappear fulcrum between a terrible but as a living creature, interwoven in a myriad of unfinished places, times, events and meanings (Haraway, 2016). In all, let’s face this environmental damage and coexist with them to raise awareness better and improve the environment.

In this week’s sketch, I chose ‘rubbish’ as my main damage objective. As I went to the landscape, I found so much rubbish on the ground, river even on the tree. I thought these rubbish could be dropped by human or the depends on the environment. Humans’ waste has been harmful to our environment for quite some time. Humans produced too much trash to dispose of sustainably. Waste that is not biodegradable and cannot be recycled appropriately is filling our oceans and landfills. The amount of waste produced affects the environment in several ways. For example, it contributes to the worsening climate crisis, harms wildlife and the natural environment, and damages our public health. I thought it is a big issue in this society. Inside the landscape, I found sawn branches, felled bushes also vegetable leaves, broken plants. (I thought that the plants’ was damaged by people or the weather, not sure.. however, it comes with the rubbish, so it can be a damage part.)

In this video, I used close-up footages to show more clearly the damaged parts of the landscape. From the editing side, I tried to put some exciting transactions between the clips also the split screens to approach the concept of ‘stay with the trouble’. Differently, I tried to record the video and the audio separately to achieve my point of view. This time, I focused on the background music; I record three soundtracks: the machine’s sound, plastic bags, broken branches, and then combined them to become my background music; I think that can show more clearly to damage as well. In one of the footage, I use the ‘black white’ effects to approach ‘stay with the trouble’ to face up to these existing environmental problems and look at them with a modern perspective, rather than looking into the future.

In the last sketch, I tried to improve the quality of the video by adding effects. However, this time I focused more on the background music which I recorded. I think I can try to use a more exciting techniques approach to them in the following sketch.


Haraway, D., 2016. ‘Introduction’, in: Staying with the trouble : Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Duke University Press, Durham, pp.1-8. viewed 5 April 2021.


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