Sketch 4 -Entangled



Throughout this week’s studio and readings, I thought all elements in the natural environment are interrelated. Every living thing merges with every other living thing at some point in its life, forming an entanglement. Entanglement is one of the most complex and magical relationships in the world, involving symbiosis, coexistence, competition and development between organisms. As Ingold argues, organisms and people are not so much nodes in a network as nodes in a set of nodes, whose constituent chains combine with others to make up the network (Ingold, 2011). The environment and the earth are nodes in an interwoven grid, “entangled” with each other. The earth provides an “environment” for living, everything grew in the environment formed the shape of the Earth. I got this inspiration from this, when I went to my landscape, I thought the environment around the river could be a picture, every components around the river are all connected to each other.

In this week’s media sketch, I choose river as my main objective, by walking by it, I found that the environment around it makes unique to the others, these creatures are entangled with each other, confirming their existence in the world. I shot a lot of interesting moments in my video, such as the pavilion, boat, grass also people are fishing, etc, by the way, I really like the fishing part, I thought it is a good example for the “line of growth”. Also I try to express the “lines of growth” by photographing and shooting them, like the tree waving when the wind blows, these different lines and nodes in this picture which shows “entanglement”.

For the editing skills, by watching the other people’s work in the past sketches, I found use the edit techniques could make video more interesting also more reliable. This time, I try to make the split screens in some of my clips, the effects also use zoom in and zoom out in my videos. The background music which I chose is the no credit natural sound from the Internet, I thought this sound could makes my audiences feel more about my landscape. For the improvement, I think what I would like to improve is to search for more video effects in further sketches to show more about my point of view, also try to figure out the best soundscapes from my landscape, like recording these sounds by myself, etc. Moreover, in the future studies, I will figure more “entanglement” in the landscape, work out deeply to make my work more diverse.


Ingold, T 2011, Being Alive : Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description, Taylor & Francis Group, London.pp.67-75

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