PV – Reflection 6



BGM:Sunset – Herlyn E. (From YOUTUBE, No Copyright)


Introduce your video work in relation to responding to the conceptual brief and the guidelines on form. 

This week’s video which I shot is different from previous weeks, the aim of this reflection is to make a swipeable Instagram carousel according the content of ‘beyond our daily life’. So I want to  challenge myself to choose photos such as still images and sequential design to produce narrative. During the time which all people can only just stay at home, I usually willing to spent some time paying attention to surroundings. I choose several photos which I took before according to sunset, I think people always need to spend some time watching sunset everyday to take a break or slow the time.  As I really enjoy watching sunset everyday, I found that everyday’s sunset are all unique, so I want to take pictures to record them. I want to uses these photos as well as videos to share with more people and put all in my memories. These all will be good memories for me. In this video, I use filters, speed up as well as adding transactions according to background music.

Then I use the application which is SwipeMix, to show these still images more with sequential design, But I think I did not doing so well at that part, However, I still learn one more techniques which could improve more.

What did you learn from the authoring and publishing process? 

For editing, this is not my first time to choose several photos and videos to combine them together as a complete video. As some of these pictures and video clips, I took before through iPhone 11 Pro Max. I can not remember the size of them, so I checked all of these then crop all of them into 180:180 size, because It will be easier for me to edit, then airdropped them into my computer. All of editing I went through Pr, I still think Pr will be better for me to edit photos and videos, this contain so much function that I would like to use, such as change speed, filter, transactions etc. I want to these to follow the background music, in each of the stressed, I put video transactions as well as video filters.

At the first time, I didn’t put any background music inside my video, just it’s original music, because I should try to make background music on my own, I used too much music in previous videos. However, when I try to upload into Instagram, It seems not too good, no sound track will reduce audiences’ interests. I think maybe use light music would appears better in my photos and videos. Then I chose the music from YouTube with full licenses, according to my assignment 1 result feedback, I realise this is very important when I upload my videos, I want to use this background music to give audiences a better experience also makes a kind of connection.


For checking with the descriptions of this assignment which we need to working with the process of sequential design. Then I change another method to make my still images more connections with each other, I use another mobile application which is SwipeMix, I select some of my images into there then make it more aesthetic.

What went well? 

I was quite confused with this week’s reflection videos, I don’t really know what exactly I need to shot, and how to make different from the previous videos. However, when I received the email which we could make a swipeable Instagram carousel according the content of ‘beyond our daily life’. Such as including several still images the combine with videos. I was inspired at that time, since the requirements need 3-10 photos, so I want to edit a series of photos then combine with two videos in the end, I think it would surprised audiences.

However, I found that I have shot some photos about sunset includes some rainy pictures. I choose to put beginning and end part to show the sunset then in the middle of the climax of the music to put rainy pictures to make contrast. Through each of the stressed music, I changed the filter as well as the video transactions to make connections. For its video transactions, I tried a lot, I want to provide a best experiences for audiences, I used similar sound tracks to put into the same effect of transactions to achieve the perfect result.


What did not go well?

According to my assignment 1’s feedback, I think I need to use more videos which created by myself. Although I tried to uses my own sound track, I still choose the no copyright music through Youtube. For editing, I don’t know if I did a perfect job on that, I think I still need to improve.

At the beginning when I uploaded my videos to Instagram, I forget the size of IGTV is, so I just cropped all of my pictures as well as videos into 180:180. After uploading these to Instagram, I realise It’s not suit and looks wired. Then I went back to Pr to edit them again, It spent me lots of time. Next time I would be careful with that and make a plan to do that.

I think SwipeMix is a very useful applications which it can directly create video and images, you also could change time and speed. In addition to that, it also directly upload images and videos through there, it’s easy to go on with.

What could you do better? 

This video I think I did not use many ways to wrap videos, next time I would try to try more complicated way to achieve a sense of aesthetics. I still need to improve my technical skills according to Pr also I would try different edit platforms to engage with it. It is important to show its aesthetics for audiences, this will effect a lot.

Next time, I would make a plan and check its size first then crop, edit videos as well as creating still images. also I would try to create my own video clips such as the sounds from clicking keyboards, writing, using microwaves etc. This is an important thing I need to improve right now, by reviewing previous videos, It seems like I excessive reliance on background music.

In addition to that, I would try different ways to show the content ‘beyond our daily life’ to others, I will be more imaginative and creative, according to my videos.

For using the applications of SwipeMix, I did not put all of the images connected with each other, some of them are still messy and wired, I think next time, I will try to make a background to make them connected to each other, this will provide audiences a better experiences.

Respond to the studio prompt question ‘How do the affordances of Instagram affect the way video content is authored? ‘What insights can you add in response to this question?

I’m not so familiar with Instagram, I usually upload pictures as well as videos through this social media platform, so nothing unique this week. I uploaded IGTV in my first reflection of the first assignment, so I want to uploaded IGTV for my last reflection in assignment 2.

I found it incredible that Instagram users could create videos and pictures on this social media platform and then immediately post them on Instagram. This encourages more creativity, not just basic video editing on Instagram, also choose the cover you like, it is creative. When I post this video, I set it to auto that this video will kept the boomerang on a loop. In addition to that, in this week’s video, I added several tags and descriptions as before.

For last week’s video, I tried a lot of functions which can wrap videos, such as changing filters, stickers, pics so on. I was surprised and  happy if increased followers. I will still pay attention to “How does the visibility of Instagram affect the way video content is created?”, also more in-depth understanding and application.

Note: All the video still frames and screenshots are taken from the content I produced.

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