PV – Reflection 5


BGM: Mona Lisa – from Youtube No Copyright Library


Introduce your video work in relation to responding to the conceptual brief and the guidelines on form. 

For this week’s idea of ‘beyond our daily life’ is watching ‘the flow of the cloud’, ‘the bus pass away’ during the rainy day turns into sunshine. In this space, it allows us to find space and time during this pandemic situation according to ‘beyond our daily life’. This idea comes out when I open the curtains, read at the font of the windows, I want to record the beauty of the climate transactions. In our daily life, people always busy , they always forgot to enjoy life such as spend a day watching outside through the windows, because of their busy work.

In this video, I’m using several editing techniques, such as  speed up, video to video transactions to show the best view of my videos. For the filter as well as when to change it, I was considered about its time as well as speed using, to make sure my idea was clearly communicated to the audience in response to the prompt. I want to be sure that It can accurately convey the idea of the video to the audience, as well as background music, I choose the no copyright music from Youtube for my editing.


What did you learn from the authoring and publishing process? 

According to author my videos, I changed a different devices which is Panasonic Lumix DC-GX85 to shot these videos. I used this camera because I want to obtained this is a high quality video, the audiences could have a better view and enjoy better. When I shot the clips of rainy, I was not be able to focus, then I tried several times, finally succeed.

I want to uses the climate change of one day into my video, so I spent a lot on choosing the suitable time to shoot clips, I want to choose Larger contrast scene to show to the audiences, make sure they could understand what the meanings, and choose the suitable clips to edit, to add into my final videos.

When I taking the videos, some of them shakes. This became challenging for me, as I currently do not have a tripod. So I tried to hold my camera balanced.

For editing, the contract of the climate as well as the music becomes a big part in my videos. I want to dealing more with the sound tract, make sure all of the clips are following with the video clips. The reason for doing this because I want make these clips and music are all suitable for each other. I also use different camera focus to show the perspectives and understandings of these contrasts.


What went well? 

The things I went well, I think is my idea. This week I try to make the contractive clips in my videos then combine them together. Hopefully, I waited until a rainy day. I watched the process of the climate changing, then recored. So I spent a lot of time on shooting and editing my videos. Also I think I did well on following the video tracking to give audience a better view.

What did not go well? 

For shooting videos, I think my lens need more focus on the subject to ensure enhance audience the best experience to look at it. In addition to that, the clips which I shoot is a little bit shake, I need to make sure the videos are all in a balance way to show to the audiences.

What could you do better? 

I need do more work on editing and shooting videos, seems like I still need to improve more on that. I still need to watching more others’ works to study more and learn more. Also, I need to study more about ‘how to wrap the video’, like use more techniques to give audience surprise, make sure at the beginning of my video, the audiences will be attracted by you and willing to watch your video after that. In addition to that, for Premiere, I need study more about this application, be familiar with the tools, performances and the audio track. Need more practise with ‘the combination of video and sound track’, make sure they are suitable with each other.

Respond to the studio prompt question ‘How do the affordances of Instagram affect the way video content is authored?‘ What insights can you add in response to this question?

As Instagram is considered to be the best social media platform for engagement or your ability as a brand to connect with your followers. Instagram as a social media platform which could show their personal moments, as a result, this affects how creators want their content to look on Instagram pages in general, and how they make content to achieve that. Instagram Feed is presented in an aesthetic way, the user’s engagement with the page is likely to be higher due to the attractive appearance of the page. These videos content is written in this particular way which can conforms to Instagrams’s message of engaging users through aesthetic quality.

Note: All the video still frames and screenshots are taken from the content I produced.

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