PV – Reflection 4


URL: https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6BugAhnkM/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

BGM:Improvisation – No copy right Library


Introduce your video work in relation to responding to the conceptual brief and the guidelines on form. 

When I think of this content I was confused because I don’t know the general ideas about ‘beyond our daily life’. This video idea began with my previous video clips. I want to try to shoot some videos according to the nature environment. As I want to focus more with the auditory sense, such as, traffic sound, construction noice etc. These atmospheric sounds I want to use as my focused idea of auditory sense which beyond our daily life. As people like me are all busy from time to time, a few of them would try to sit at the front of the window to watch the sunset especially during the epidemic times. When you put down all things, just sit there, watch the sunset, listen to the atmospheric sounds, you will find you are experiencing an amazing moment, you will think more beyond our daily life. For me, watching and listening to these will give me a moment which could break down worries, relieve anxiety also inspired and solve problems.

As I go through with the assignment descriptions, I want to use most of the auditory sense into my video clips to show the authentic of the nature. I wanted this video to focus  more on sound rather than visual components, that’s why I tried to focus on sound and slowly layered visual components. The voice which comes from the traffic sound, construction noice also the music from HomePod. This time I don’t want to use the background music into my videos.

What did you learn from the authoring and publishing process?

This time, I’m still using my phone to shoot these environments because I still think use phone to shoot will be more easier. I’m using iPhone 11 pro max to shoot these video clips, I shoot several video clips to have more choices to edit. By shooting these videos, I try to use different functions to shoot videos through my phone, such as zoom in, zoom out, time-lapse and slo-mo to make these clips more aesthetics. I’m still using the same method in the publishing process and haven’t make any changes. However, when i exporting video from Pr, I used the different export formats also selected the most suitable video quality and size.



What went well?

After I checking all of my video clips, I’m thinking that I did well on collecting all of the informations from all of my clips which I want. I think that I could get a good result according my my researches and videos. In this video, I find a music which basically about the sound of the atmosphere and It’s very suitable with my video clips, I use this music as a background with the sunset.

The reason why I want to choose a background music in the sunset part is I want to create a moment which suitable for watching the sunset, I want to visually illustrate these sounds. Sunset always can make people think a lot, so I chose the light music which is ‘Improvisation’ from Mr. kiD to highlight my video clips.

Also for the video part, I tried several functions through my phone, including zoom in and out, change speeds so on, to make the contrast of the colour using and the suitable transition, to make audience understand which part is the different sounds from.

What did not go well?

This week. I spent a lot of time on understanding this content of ‘beyond our daily life’, so I did not try all of my efforts on shooting these video clips which I’m using my phone to shoot again, but next time, I will try to change another devices to shoot my clips, to make sure these are all innovative ideas. For the rest of my video clips, I’m using its original background music except the sunset one. In addition to that, for the construction noises, I used one of the last week’s clips which I did not use last week for my reflections. For the rest of my videos, I still edit it through Pr, including making background music, change the volumes so on, But I would probably change another editing platform next week.

What could you do better?

Through editing, I still need to do more practises with the editing skills. In these two weeks editing, most of the editing was still done using basic editing techniques. Such as in Premiere, there have many more sophisticated editing techniques that I have yet to use in my video clips. I need to learn more about that and practise more to improve the quality and aesthetics of these videos.

In addition to that, I still need to practise more about my shooting skills. Some of my video clips are too exposure or not clear to see. I need to make sure the light by shooting as well as don’t shake the lens too much. In the future studies, I would probably doing more practises with shooting and editing skill. Watch the others work and learn something from the others.

Respond to the studio prompt question ‘How do the affordances of Instagram affect the way video content is authored?‘ What insights can you add in response to this question?

There is a limit to the size of images that users can upload while using Instagram. Vertical films and photographs may not be published in full size. Invisibly, it sets some limits for the user. visibility imposes certain limitations in applications. Most of people always choose 1:1 or horizontal formats to update their videos. The affordance of Instagram provide users a specific format and ratio to update their videos to make sure each viewers could see each of the posters directly. That’s because vertical video takes up more space on Instagram, so it gets viewers engaged as well as catching their eyes. This types of hint has a long formed habit for its users, so that’s why people are all used to comfort with the post size and only posted with 1:1 or a horizontal format. However, this unique restriction becomes one of the most prominent features of Instagram. People are willing to use that as their daily habit.

Note: All the video still frames and screenshots are taken from the content I produced.

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