All posts by nikibutterfield

Week 10: Rehearsal Post.

This week’s class started an hour earlier because we went to shoot the opening sequence for the news segment with our anchors. Although I personally did not do any of the shooting, I still went to see what was going on and if need be, an extra pair of hands to help out with anything. I’m glad I came down (more like Matilda told me to come see the magic happen so I did) to watch the magic happen because I could see what was happening and how the introduction would look like when it was put together for the final piece. 

It was time for our rehearsal, where we straight away started in Studio A instead of building 9 (our usual space). I did as much as I could with helping out with arranging the set and moving the cameras out for the segments to be shot. Claire and I were assigned to do lighting but Alex (I think it was him), had basically taken over it so we felt like we did not have much to do in terms of that so we were just sitting around for most of the time, unless we were needed for our segments or had to act as an audience to give the presenters a feel of how it would be in the following week when it was taping day.

I would have to say that rehearsals during the day went pretty smoothly, probably less stressful for those out on set versus those in the control room having to time all the graphics, EVS etc. I can’t speak for those on the studio floor but for me, I personally felt that most of the time, I was sitting around and talking with the others when we were transitioning between segments or after each take for those in the control room to sort out whatever issues. Not going to lie, I was on my phone for quite a bit of time because I did not have much to do when I was not being needed for anything. I just feel like maybe there should be like a set group of people to camera operate for two segments or all three. Yes, it is good to give others a chance to try a new role out but what about those who aren’t needed for that particular segment whatsoever? I just felt quite useless when I didn’t have anything to do and felt unproductive.