Assignment 2- Week 8.

It was the week before the fundraiser and the week after mid semester break. Over the break, submissions were closed and the lucky few were weeding out what films would be accepted and rejected. The week before break started, we had began advertising our fundraiser event on our MIYFF social media platforms, as well as our own personal platforms to help get some ticket sales. More ticket sales meant more money coming in equalled to us being able to potentially splurge out in other areas like merchandising or having an open tab at the actual event (maybe).

During the week, we discussed on the Facebook group if it was necessary for us to all wear a MIYFF shirt. Judging from the amount of tickets sold over from the release date till now, there weren’t that many and we believed that it would be pointless for us to be wearing them because it would be obvious who was working the event and who the guests were. A majority of us agreed so we all decided to save the shirts for the actual event because there would definitely be more people attending and make it less awkward for the guests.

Onto more pressing issues, decorating the Media Portal for the fundraiser. I volunteered myself, along with Alana and Matilda to gather decorations and create something with whatever resources we could get. We wanted to create something cozy and cute with fairy lights. Matilda put out a post on our Facebook group page, asking anybody to bring anything from home to help set up the space. There wasn’t much of a response so the three of us just aimed for the best and hoped some people would bring blankets, pillows and any kind of decorations to help give the space a cozy vibe.

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