Week 9: Pre-Production Post.

I was 30 minutes late for this class but luckily, I didn’t miss much. Ruth gave us the opportunity to discuss as a class what the progress is with our comedy news show that we’ll be shooting 3 main & 4 small segments between week 10-12. From week 8, we discussed that since there are 3 sports pieces, we were going to segment them together but put more emphasis on Freddo-gate because that was one of the stories that received the most votes from the class pole. During that time, Matilda asked me to help her write the script for Vegans vs. Vaccines. Rather pointless to ask me for comedic ideas because I don’t think I’m remotely funny and if I were to come up with something, it might have come across as insensitive or rude so I kept my mouth shut. 

After the first hour and a half of the studio, we headed for TV Studio A to get our hands on the equipment. I was more keen to get my hands on the camera because after having played around with it during our practice piece in week 6. It was a slow start because we were all trying to figure out what to do. Since everybody didn’t show up to class, some of us had to double and/or triple up on roles to cover because as they say “the show must go on.” At this point, we knew that these next three weeks were crucial and we all had to show up because it was crunch time. 

Since the scripts for each of the segments weren’t all complete, we just practiced with a random script to give us an idea of what lights we would be using, how many and what camera angles we would use for the actual taping. We knew that it was not going to be remotely perfect or smooth whatsoever but for what we did during the session, I believe it was a solid attempt and with time, we’d improve.

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