Week 5 Lectorial: The Art of Interviews.

In today’s lectorial, we had guest speaker, Louise Turley, give us a talk on the Art of Interviewing, as our third assignment was to produce a 2-3 interview. Basically, Louise told broke up and explained the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where and why, as a tip to conduct a good interview. Also, using a mixture of open and closed questions to make it interesting. Personally, her talk on the art of interview was so helpful because I realised that there’s a lot to take into consideration when setting up for an interview. After picking your subject, location scouting for a space to conduct the interview is ideal but you have to consider whether the subject would be ‘comfortable’ (background), consider lighting and sound. Ask a variety of questions (open and closed) and keep it related to the topic matter. These were just some of points Louise discussed. 

Later on, Brian discussed in this week’s lectorial: The Three-Act Structure. Filmmakers follow the Three-Act Structure: how the film starts, develops and ends.

The movie begins by introducing the characters, the setting and the situation, just like how an establishing shot does. Then, the story begins. Everything the character does has a cause and therefore, an effect that’ll occur later on in the film. However, the three-act structure is just the basics of the storyline. Usually, complications/obastacles are added to build up the plot by adding tension/spice. Often, flashbacks and flashforwards are used to build up suspense and allows the audience to get a better understand what had happened in the past or will happen in the future to get the character into the situation that they are dealing with in the present moment. At the end, the character/characters resolve whatever issue might be, it might be happy or unfortunate ending.

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