From my previous post making meaning, after deconstructing a short film I discovered how it is that we make meaning. Through the carefully thought out filming techniques the filmmaker allows the audience to create meaning.
I want to take this idea further and dissect how and why it is that we choose to create film. More specifically what it is that entices us to create this content, rich with a driven intention. I believe it’s the need to share. The need to share our knowledge, our stories. We make meaning to share meaning and learn. I believe it’s about knowledge. I looked further into this topic of storytelling and found an inspirational TED talk by Andrew Stanton on his opinion on the keys to storytelling.
What Stanton makes clear is that when it comes to filmmaking there are guidelines as to what makes a good narrative, and that these are there to be challenged. He encourages storytellers to capture truths from their lives and reflect on this in their works. This is how you become connected with the work and are driven from passion for the topic, as I said in my first blog post making media, media making, it is the passion for what I do that drives me. His main point being that it is wonder that is key to great storytelling.
When making meaning we should aim to create wonder. We shouldn’t give the answer to our audience, we should make them work hard for the answers, this is what creates wonder. From minute 16.25 onward he completely sums up how to create driven and rich content. The way in which Stanton talks about wonder is similar to the way I see passion in filmmaking, when putting these two keys together I might have just found the answer to my question as to how and why it is that we choose to create film.
In my eyes there are two aspects, which make this talk a useful and unique reference point to how and why filmmakers create meaning. The first is that is while telling the audience how to create a good narrative, he has structured his TED talk in that same way (e.g. ensured that it all leads to one specific means, forced the viewer to think through the various clips shown etc). He doesn’t give us the answer to what has brought him to this point in his life (where he is giving a TED talk), but he gives us a means by which we are intrigued to sit through the talk for the purpose of the end goal – (Wonder).
The second and main aspect isn’t the fact that he is a renowned, well known screenwriter. It is his passion, and love for what he does that truly makes this talk engaging.