I’m not going to lie, Mondays lecture was as boring as you can get… spending half of our 2 hour lecture on Library research skills is bad enough without it also being a Monday.
Once we covered all the library skills you could ever think of, we moved on to the quite interesting topic of collaboration. This followed on from last weeks readings by Keith Sawyer, Jean Tabaka and Adam Hyde.
We discussed how to collaborate correctly and what to do if you or someone else is not doing it properly. There was significant emphasis on the point that in the media world it is very unlikely that you wont encounter some form of collaboration.
The aspect of Mondays lecture that really made got me thinking was how many benefits can come from collaboration.
-Some points made in the lecture of benefits of collaboration:
-Develop leadership
-Gain experience in negotiation
-Learn to resolve conflict
-Negotiate for a win/win outcome
-Practice professional communication
-Establish peer relationships
-Share and deepen your knowledge in the discipline area
I had never realised how collaborating had the ability to help you progress and improve on such a personal level. Although if done wrongly can be unpleasant and unfair, the benefits from risking all of that is well worth the incredible benefits of collaborating.