
Thanks Louisa, for your insights about your thoughts on my thoughts about your thoughts about narcissism. To me narcissism is attention seeking behaviour, and the perpetrator definitely knows when they are partaking. Or is it something that the perpetrator can have no idea of, and is something that an outsider can judge? Some of us have a fear of appearing narcissistic to other people, like Louisa, and my Mum. This saddens me, because these are two great people who are most definitely not attention seeking, and if they have ever appeared to seek attention, (I can’t think of one time for my Mum) but Louisa, once in class said “I did it!” and put her hand up and created a bit of a scene. Good on you Lou, you were proud of yourself for achieving something and wanted to take credit for it. If you had then posted a selfie of you including #proud #couldntbehappier #gotsomethingrightinclasstoday #nomakeup #nofilter #noseriouslynofilter #sotired #needsleep then maybe, that would be a tad narcissistic. Can you blame the narcissist though? Surely it comes down to some childhood fuck up, a need to make up for attention that was never given by those they needed it from most.


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