Network Literacy

This is a long reading. I did find it enlightening as to exactly what being network literate means. Using print literacy as an analogy for network literacy was clever, and being print literate “implies considerably more than just being able to read and write”. As Miles goes on to explain however, print and network literacy come to a divide eventually.

Being network literate is to “contribute as much as it is to consume”, basically, to give as much as you take. This means citing references when you use them, through services such as ‘CiteUlike’, so that others may be linked to the original source of information. Being network literate to me means being credible on the Internet. Just as print demands citation of sources in order to show credibility, as does work published on the Internet. This point is especially salient as a journalism student, where it is essential to create a reputable name within the industry in order to achieve success.


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